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Getting Assessment Advice from ChatGPT

Postat de la 03 Apr, 2024 in categoria Assessment

AI tools based on large language models, such as ChatGPT, are incredibly powerful and have a wide range of useful applications. They can produce rough drafts, summarize key information, and create efficiencies in the workplace. However, I offer here a word of caution about getting assessment advice from ChatGPT or other AI tools.

HR Professionals Psychological Profile

Postat de la 29 Mar, 2023 in categoria Assessment

HR professionals are responsible for benefits plans, compensation packages, training and development, talent acquisition etc. They must anticipate problems and manage conflict effectively. Because they also ensure compliance with legal guidelines, they must readily adhere to standards and possess excellent communication skills. Since the role of HR can directly impact employee productivity and well-being, it is essential that HR duties are executed well.

Exhausted? Feeling cynical or negative? Checking out? It’s not just you—especially if you’re an HR professional. As much as burnout today is a global experience, even recognized by the World Health Organization, it has taken an especially serious toll on the very people who are deeply concerned with occupational well-being: human resources professionals.1 So, what’s led to the widespread HR burnout?

The COVID-19 pandemic caused unprecedented changes to the way we work. The toll of remote and hybrid work, the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, layoffs, talent shortage, increased concern for employee wellness, and the global recession have seemed to fall squarely on the shoulders of the HR department. Unsurprisingly, 86% of HR leaders experienced increased stress in 2021, 53% are burned out, and 48% are looking for a new job.2 Too much change too quickly with too few resources and security may lie at the root of why 44% of HR leaders say their stress has increased “dramatically” in the past year.

HR burnout impacts companywide well-being. The job duties of HR leaders encompass everything to do with people, including hiring, onboarding, safety, learning and development, firing, and the execution of other operational procedures.3 When HR professionals spend their time trying to boost companywide well-being, they sometimes pay with their own. Reduced professional efficacy in this sphere has a trickle-down effect to other employees, similar to how caregiver burnout affects dependents.

Read on to learn why the personality characteristics that make HR professionals excellent at their work also dispose them to burnout—and how organizations can help protect them.

Avantajele și provocările muncii la distanță

Postat de la 27 Oct, 2021 in categoria Assessment

Pandemia COVID-19 a modificat în mod dramatic modul în care și locul de unde ne desfășurăm munca. Întrucât în numeroase industrii angajații au fost determinați să lucreze exclusiv de la distanță, persoanele aflate la fiecare nivel organizațional au fost nevoite să își regândească relația cu locul de muncă și să învețe un nou mod de a-și desfășura interacțiunile cu colegii și clienții în condițiile distanțării virtuale. Conform datelor LinkedIn, înregistrările privind munca la distanță au crescut cu 357% în perioada mai 2020-mai 2021. Cum pandemia continuă, iar restricțiile fluctuează, trebuie să începem să ne punem o întrebare importantă: cum vom redefini normalitatea?

March 11 marked the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO) declaring COVID-19 a pandemic. In May 2020, we analyzed changes in weekly mean scores during the seven weeks after the WHO declaration. At the time, we found little evidence of COVID-19 changing personality assessment scores, with the exception of statistically significant but minimal changes in Science and Altruism scores.

Hogan European HR Survey

Postat de la 17 Dec, 2020 in categoria Assessment

At the end of October Hogan Assessment run a European survey regarding the Future of work.

Take a look at the summary results:

Enroll for the demo session on the 29th of October 10:00- 11:00

We’re excited to announce the official launch of the Hogan Candidate Assessment Suite the most robust talent acquisition solution in the industry.

Hiring used to be a shot in the dark. With the Hogan Candidate Assessment Suite, hiring is a fast and valid prediction of performance, packaging Hogan’s rigorous science in the simplest user experience. Whatever the role, this new platform identifies the best performers based on millions of workplace performance data points.

With concern about the spread of COVID-19, more companies are choosing to allow workers to office remotely; Remote work isn’t a new concept. Over the past couple of years, with the increase in demand for a flexible workplace and the development of more advanced AI technology, many companies are choosing to offer employees the option to work virtually. VR conferencing; communication platforms such as WeChat, Slack, and Skype for Business; and apps for managing remote work and workers make remote work feasible and just as easy to manage as working in an office.

*This article was authored by Hogan Chief Science Officer Ryne Sherman

A critical task for leaders is to ensure that their followers are working efficiently toward the organization’s goals. In business, employees whose work is aligned with the organization’s objectives are more productive. So-called “performance management processes” are intended to create alignment between the employee’s work and the organization’s goals. A typical performance management process might include planning and setting goals, monitoring progress toward those goals, development and improvement, and periodic performance appraisals (or reviews). These performance management processes could be substantially improved by the use of personality assessments.

The British Psychological Society (BPS) has completed a test review of the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Assessments’ flagship assessment that describes normal personality. The 15-month process concluded with the HPI receiving perfect four-star ratings in the Documentation, Reports and User Experience categories.

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