+40 726.135.952

Leader Focus Report

Raportul Leader Focus este un instrument util pentru constientizarea modului in care personalitatea, motivatiile si valorile unei persoane impacteaza stilul managerial adoptat, pentru a utiliza punctele forte si gestiona provocarile generate de o anumit abordare, astfel incat sa creasca eficienta manageriala per ansamblu.

Continut raport:

  • Evidentiza orientarea lider-ului: focus pe rezultate, focus pe relatii, focus pe implementare, focus pe idei, focus pe influentare, focus pe informative
  • Sugestii de dezvoltare
  • Evidentiaza bias-urile persoanei.


(Andrea PETRE, Learning & Development Manager, Carrefour Romania)
Our collaboration with Hart Consulting and the use of Hogan Assessment tools dates back more than ten years ago, starting with the certification of a pool of HR specialists on talent acquisition and development. Afterwards, throughout the years, we've rolled out a series of projects together focused on leadership development for our middle and top management teams. Applying the Hogan
Stela Pop, Roto Romania
Am participat la atelierele de dezvoltare a inteligentei emotionale si la o parte a celor de conversatii dificile si deja simt ca sunt capabila sa constientizez mult mai bine propriile trairi, propriile nevoi si, totodata, sa le comunic mai bine celorlalti. Este uimitor cat de simplu se poate rezolva un conflict sau o problema in mod constructiv, atunci cand raspunzi cu empatie si cu asertivitate.
Laura Mihai, Talent Attraction & Development Manager, Tenaris Romania
For me and my colleagues from the Tenaris Romania HR Team, the certification course for Hogan Assessments represented getting close to a valuable tool, that we use at the moment in the company for selecting new candidates and for developing existing employees. We had the opportunity to attend a course organized and delivered in a professional manner, and the information and materials received are
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